First, thanks for all the great info here!
I am trying to figure out what on-wall speakers to buy for $1,000 or less.
Within the year, I plan to buy a 50” plasma –either Panny 50PX500U or 50PHD8UK or Pioneer 5060. For space reasons, I need to put TV and speakers on the wall.
The room is 16 x 15 at its widest (where kitchenette juts off it) & 16 x 9 at its narrowest. Seating will be 14.5’ from speakers. Speakers & TV have to go on a 73” wall, so I’m a long way from being able to set up the perfect triangle people recommend. This is problem one.
It is far from a good room acoustically. We have hardwood floors and can’t put down any rugs because of roommate’s allergies. It has four openings off of it. (entry hall into apt, closet w/cat food/litter, hall, and kitchen off living room – about 7’ x 3’). Only one wall has no openings. That’s the wall TV & speakers will go on. So that’s problem 2.
My equipment includes a Denon 2802 receiver, Sony DVP-NC875V cd/dvd player and soon a dvr cable box. I’ll use the set-up for about 70% video and 30% music. I want the speakers to do well with home theater and music. I listen to a lot of jazz vocals and cabaret and instrumental jazz and some classical and country.
My current setup is 5.1. My mains are Signet LCRs, I have Signet surrounds (I can’t find the number but they hand on the wall and are shaped like triangles so that they fire in two directions), a Def Tech Mythos center, and a Paradigm 12” sub. My center channel was way too big when I moved to NYC so my friend who sold me my system let me trade in my Signet center toward a Mythos center. If I go with Mythos, then I already have the center (unless I need to switch to Black to match TV, which could well happen). I liked Mythos when I listened to them in the store but found them only equal to or a tad less satisfying than my Signets. For this much money, I’d like to take a step up. So here’s what I’m trying to figure out:
What’s the best on-wall speakers for me?
Should I buy a new 5.1 system or just replace pieces of what I have? E.g. it would be great if the speakers I got went well with my sub, so I didn’t have to replace it. I’ve been told that Def Tech and Signet blend well – so one option would be to use Mythos for my 3 main speakers and leave the signets as my surrounds.
If Mythos is right for me, it’s simple. But if there’s an even better speaker in my price range, I’d rather go there. Here are my questions:
1) What are some speakers you think I should listen to? (Keep in mind the wall is 73’ and TV will be 50” – so speakers can’t be wider than 10” apiece)
2) Are there speakers that minimize the challenges of sitting too far from them given how close they are to each other?
3) Are there speakers that minimize the challenges of a room with a hardwood floor and four openings?
4) What speakers blend well with my equipment? Some day, I’d like to upgrade my receiver and CD/DVD player, but it won’t be for several years. For now, all my money will go into plasma and speakers.
5) Do you think my sub is sufficient or do you think I should be looking at something else?
6) What if I could bump my budget up to $1500? What would you do then?
7) And just for kicks, if money were no object (hey, a woman can dream), what on-wall speakers would you suggest I look at in my situation?
I know I need to go listen to them myself. But it’s overwhelming not knowing where to start. Hopefully, you folks can give my some ideas. Thanks for the help!!!