Help Match Spendor Preludes to Integrated Amp



I have a pair of Spendor Prelude Speakers.
I am looking for a used integrated amp ($700-$900 range) that would be a good match for the speakers. I am willing to sacrifice some of the warmth of the Spendors, but I don't want to give away the farm.

I am looking at a Meridian 551, Bryston B60, Creek 5350 SE.
Would any of these be a good match.

Thanks for your advice.


Full Audioholic
I'm not familiar with sound of the prelude model Spendors; but the SP and Se models I've heard have been beautifully transparent and just a *touch* warmer than neutral, perhaps. I consider the B&W 7 series stuff to be warm-but the Spendors are revealing.

As far as int. amps go, I haven't heard the Creek before so I can't say; but between the Bryston and the Meridian I'd take the Meridian-I think the Bryston might be too bright for your tastes.

Bryan...finally, another Spendor fan on the forum...

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