
Need to know what color the BACK Panel of the reciever is. Where the speaker wires go...

Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to read this post. First I see alot of people do not care for Bose Lifestyle, or Bose period for that matter. I hope after you read this you will see my situation is unique. There is no need to help me with something better and cheaper.

My best friend of 15yrs has just got married. Somehow, he has seriously damaged his NEW wifes Bose Lifestyle (series I) unit and is feverishly looking to replace it.

The problem is she is the typical SEE ALL wife. And we have just found out the backs of these recievers (where the speakers attatch) vary in colors.

This somehow tells when they came of the assembly line? Or something.

He is hoping this is bologny and asked me to help.

If you have a Bose Lifestyle 28 (series I) would you be so kind as to let me know the color of the back. Or better yet send a pic.

Many thanks for any consideration given.


Audioholic Spartan
So your friend wants to quickly replace the Bose system and hope his new wife doesn't notice? Lieing is not the greatest way to start a marriage. He should tell her what happened and let HER decide on how to replace it.



I am in full agreement with you. And have given him the same advice. It took alot of convincing for me to help him.

His argument is a valid one. He is simply looking to buy time before telling her. They have been married about a week. This unit was bought by her father who has recently passed.

At any rate, I am sure many will have strong opinions. Heck for that matter I have my own. But, he is a longstanding friend. I've known his wife for several years also. And believe him when he says now is not the time to try to explain what happened.

He has one he can order. But, he wants to be certain they all have the same backs... The rep was not willing to open the box and let him know...



Audioholic Overlord
This is kinda hard to believe.

You mean to say that there's not even a part of the back panel left that you can use to ascertain it's color?

In any event, why not contact Bose Customer Service with the serial number and see if they can help.

...and, wish your friend good luck. He's really gonna need it.


BAH! Honesty in a marriage does not mean being honest about every little inconsequential thing. I think busting her stereo falls into that category. You tell you mommy and daddy if you break their stuff. Your wife, not necessarily if it will help keep the peace. For all you "always be honest" do-gooders out there, tell your wife she looks fat sometime. You can later console yourself with the fact you were "just being honest."

Help the man with his problem if you can.


Senior Audioholic
Did you try google image search for bose lifestyle or bose lifestyle back? I dont know exactly what youre looking for but a bunch of pics came up.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Oh brother...

The worst thing your buddie can do is drop $1000 - $2000 on a Lifestyle system. That takes a chunck of money out of the household budget when the unit should really be shipped to Bose for repairs. I'm sure they've added enough in their price to cover any issues.

There are Series 1 and 2 (and probably more) out. It's a good bet whatever he orders, will be different than what his wife got. What did he do to the system? Blow the speakers, or drop it?

Why don't you be the good friend and tell her this is killing him, what actually happened (since you've known her for 7 years), and what she thinks he should do (giving her some options). If she finds out later that he replaced it without telling her, that's going to start the relationship out on a great note.

There are some used systems on ebay for $300 - $1000 (new ones go for $2000+). If he has to buy another Bose system, it might as well be at a discount.

Here's just the receiver:
Gimme his address and her name and I'll take care of this for you... lol.

Seriously - this is lame. Honesty is ALWAYS the best thing in a situation like this. Ridiculous.


They've been married for a week

and already he is AFRAID to tell her that the stereo was damaged? What kind of newlywed relationship is THAT? Sheesh, they are still supposed to be in the love conquers all stage, including items damaged in their move.

Seriously, if he can't tell her that he damaged the system without some dire consequences from the new wife, he shouldn't have gotten married. Accidents happen.

I mean really, if I met the woman of my dreams, and we got married, and she dropped my Optoma Projector, I'd be bummed, but I wouldn't take it out on her, I'd go get the new model to replace it, and tell her not to worry about it. On the other hand if it was the ex wife, well....

If he's really that much of a wimp, tell him to blame it on the movers.

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