Heres my problem i hooked my new cables up and had picture and sound coming out fine, as i had moved my speakers i did the auto calibration again and tested only to find i had less volume at the same point as before and now had different options on my receiver that were not there before
When playing a DTS movie with my receiver
(pioneer vsx1015S) set to Auto, it selected stereo instead of DTS decoding and when playing Dolby i could choose PL+thx and others that were not available before that do not seem to sound as they did before and i am confused as to why.
Here is a list of cables which i have in frustration removed so nothing is plugged in, to try reconnect properly.
1xEsoteric audio V3 video interconnects(brought to replace cheap s-video cable)
1xaccoustic research performance series HD video cable
1xMonster(i know)digital coax interconnect cable
2x old (soon to be replaced if needed) red and white audio cables
What is the best way to connect this?
DVD has s-video and (Y/PR/PB)awell as coax plus red/white and yellow audio.
Tv is the same.
No cable box just aerial and my amp as mentioned running 5.1 fronts bi wired and evertime i hook it up i can't get sound or correct signal so someone help me pleeease