Whatever, John. I'm merely offering some advice to help you grow in this hobby and, trust me, you could use it.
You're welcome to make any alibi you want to excuse your ignorance but, be aware, you DON'T know as much as you think you do and, when you spread your ignorant BS here, be prepared to be called on it. ...and possibly be chided at the same time.
Ever hear the saying "When you're in a hole, stop digging?"
Oh, here's a pretty good definition of impedance. Took all of a minute to google it.
'Typical speakers have impedance ratings of 4, 8, 10 or 16 ohms. The impedance of a speaker is a physical property that ideally does not change value, although from an electrical engineering standpoint, there are many complex characteristics that make up speaker impedance and the impedance is invariably not a constant and is variable. For this reason, the rating of a speaker is called its 'nominal' value, which pretty much means "in name only".'
In any case, it's NOT the minimum as you claimed it was.