This is a subject which needs more attention from the audio community. I see people who abuse their hearing terribly on a regular basis, and it is like nothing to them. Probably some of them don't care about the future, but I am sure quite a few of them are just ignorant as to how easily noise-induced hearing damage can occur. Musicians are just as dumb here as anyone, and I am glad the article mentioned this. Hearing loss is very prevalent among classical instrumentalists; it's not just bone-headed rock bands who lose their hearing. We also get lots of posts around here like "My speakers do not get loud enough- recommend me a louder speaker!" and they turn out to be using some tower speakers. The thing is, most speakers, in a normal setting, can get more than loud enough to cause hearing damage. I can understand the argument for speakers with a greater dynamic range, but plain old loudness is not a problem for most mid range speakers. Anyone who gives a damn about their long-term hearing should, at the very least, have an SPL meter, and a knowledge of safe noise exposure. It doesn't take that much to cause hearing loss. If you getting hearing fatigue on a regular basis, you need to step back from whatever it is you are doing and rethink it. Hearing loss can have a profound effect on your quality of life, much greater than most people realize, and they treat their ability to hear so casually. I could go on and on about this subject...