Buckle is right on! Borrow a cable. You might have to use your visa card to hold it, but get one and check it out. Check out the review of that dvd player. It is a good litle player. I would not have it upconvert to 1080i though. Just have it output to 720P.
You do not want to upconvert 480P to 1080I, only to down convert to 720P. do you see what I am saying? To many conversions. Up convert to 720P would be my settings.
I play around with my S77 To be honest some times I notice a difference, and sometimes I do not. The question will be....try it... see if it is worth the 150 or so bucks. 50/50 on if you think it is worth it or not.
Let us know what you end up doing.
Buckle right on with your post!