Hi, a question reguarding cables...
I'm planning to hook up my HTPC (DVI output) to a PanasonicAE900U, ceiling mounted. The problems come with the cables... should I install a hdmi wall plate next to the projector (ceiling), run a hdmi cable in the wall, and terminate with a hdmi wall plate on the wall (about a foot off the ground)? (meaning I'd need an additional extra 1-ft hdmi cable from projector to ceiling wall plate, and another hdmi to dvi that connects to my HTPC). I'm guessing I need about 15 feet of cable inside the walls...
Or, should I connect the in-wall hdmi cable directly to the projector on the ceiling (and have the cable feed through a hole in the ceiling) and install a wall plate on the adjacent wall? (In this case the only additional cable I'd need is the hdmi to dvi cable)
The main problem are the in-wall connectors - I'm afraid that the connectors will possibly degrade signal quality.
I'm also planning to run component cables alongside - those i dont think there's a problem because they're analog instead of digital (signal degration problems)
Here are the wall plates I'm planning to get:
I have no idea where to get some cheap decora wall plates
are the monoprice cables OK for 1080p? Even bluejeans says their cable are capable of 1080p only up to 30ft...
Thanks in advance!