Whoa, was just watching this on the news as some of you have. I'm kinda relieved, I just went out and bought the PS3 like 4 days ago. And as a big Xbox fan, I have to admit I just plain out like the PS3 more (too bad it has shitty controlers

). Not to mention the Blu-ray movies I've watched thus far have been really impressive eyecandy. I've only gotten around to watching The Prestige, and Rush hour 3 thus far.
As for updating the players taking a while, I think the PS3 update was flawless. I downloaded firmware to a memory stick, plugged it into PS3 and then 10 minutes later I was good to go.
I think its a shame to see HD DVD go though, its too bad Toshiba and Sony never got together to make a joint effort product.