Why is it that so many people believe they must have cable or satellite or some other piped in, paid for service for TV? In the U.S., there is something called "broadcast TV", and it has been around for a very long time. I would have thought that people who are into technology, like the internet (which is necessary for accessing this site) and into audio equipment would have heard of it by now. You don't have to pay anyone anything, if you don't want to. You are deciding to pay. You don't have to pay. Do a bit of research, and I am sure you will be able to find some web site that mentions something called "broadcast television". Why pay to have crap, when you could have TV for free? And, of course, if you want to watch the latest movies, you can subscribe to a DVD rental service that will get you things you select, when you want to see them. You might also be able to go to your local public library and check out DVDs for free. But if you are a sucker and must pay for crap, there will always be someone to take your money and give you crap.
Now, of course, I can expect to hear, "but I can't watch X..." for free. Well, if you are willing to pay for X (whatever X is), and at the quality and price that is available to you, then pay up and stop complaining, because, according to you, it is worth it for that at that quality. And if it isn't worth it to you for that thing at that level of quality, then stop paying. Either way, your complaints are meaningless. All that matters to cable and other TV service providers is whether you pay or not. Complaining, by itself, accomplishes nothing.