Classical music, in many cases seems to be rebuffed at the mere mention... like trashing a new thread dedicated to it.

(although it was funny)
But who has taken the time to listen?
It's nothing but Pop music from the past.
Personally, I am a classical novice. I spent 50 years in Rock as many folks my age have.
But about 2000, as alternative waned and indie seemed to take it's place I began to feel lost.
How many old tired Bob Dylan albums was I going to buy? I mean, at this point listening to Dylan took a real effort. You had to try and like the stuff. Not at all like when Blonde on Blonde blew you away on first listen.
So many old rockers that did not know enough to walk away.
Anyway, in a constant quest for new sounds, continually bumping my head as I aimlessly went from genre to genre, I heard a few things that I liked in classical.
Now I'd say, 80% plus of my listening is of classical.
So my question is, have you ever taken the time to listen?