lol, you guys are killin me. so, i guess THIS is the thread.
my wife is a HP fan, and i like the movies, they are entertaining.
i had time off, so i treated her.
don't look for a review from me, i'm not a writer by any means. but i will say this.
it was said that the movie is very dark, i agree. and i will say it was a "keep costs low " movie, kinda cheap actually.
this movie was on 35mm film, so i was told by the manager.
the sound system in this theater was pretty good. a little "nasally" at times (the best way i know to describe it). and the lfe wasn't bad.
PQ = AWFUL . idk if it was the movie or the equipment. but it was so blurry i would say at times it was worse that SD.
anyway. keep showing the emma pics. i like the gold dress one, yummy.