"It amazes me how NASA is capable of making 30 year old technology transmit through billions of miles of space while I have difficulty getting my RF remote......."
I worked for the company that designed the codecs and modems for the Voyager craft. Some of our staff was at JPL during the launches. Simple explanation...the design is a pure Viterbi decoding algorithm. Viterbi and Irwin Jacobs founded Linkabit, later M/A-Com, later Qualcomm on this very simple idea. Super redundant digital error correcting is the key. By the way, those are 20 WATT (!!) transmitters sending those signals billions of miles.

It is powered by an RTG (Radioisotope Thermal-Electric Generator). Heat from the isotopic decay of plutonium provides heat to the thermocouples that produce the electricity. Shortly after the design concluded with the spectacular V1 and V2 spacecrafts, I directed all the production of the codecs, modems and encryption equipment. (Sorry people...we also brought you, via HBO contracts, the world's first digitally encrypted television programming.

If only our remotes were that cool!
EDIT: A very happy Independence Day to all of you from me, too.