I still say you should do a crossover mod supplemental (or perhaps a stock DV62, modified, and
Let me use your Denon 3910 comment as an example
Lets say I was conducting a comparison of DVD players
All about the same price Denon 3910, Marantz, Pioneer Elite, Yamaha
I conducted the testing and declared the Denon the winner of the shootout.
At the bottom of the review I posted a disclaimer that said XXX modification installed on Denon 3910 Would the readers be ok with this?
Another point there are many that own the Denon 3910 how many own one that has been modified? I know there are many of you that own Modified BIC speakers
But all of you combined make up a very small percentage of the people buying
The DV62Si
I may do a supplemental review with the modification but I can’t do this in a speaker comparison unless I modified all of them.