The government subsidizes education, and that money must come from somewhere. There is a good chance that your friend has already received much more than $3k in education benefits, and will receive much more in the future if his children go to college.
It sounds like we're not on the same page, in regards to my thoughts on over taxation.
Unfortunately the government subsidizes too much; both good and bad.
The subsidies you refer to as, coming from "somewhere". that somewhere is, we the people, being over taxed.
On a completely different subject, but related to what you have said, if I were unkind, I would be suspicious of the honesty of a raffle in which a friend of the person running it, who also was involved in the event, wins the raffle. I suggest that you don't allow people involved in running a raffle to enter it, even if the raffle is honest, because it will give the impression that cheating has taken place if someone involved in the process wins.
I do see the
appearance of impropriety. I'll have to bring that subject up at the next meeting.
Though it's a tough call; as it gets closer to the event, we don't want to have any unsold tickets.
So, in this case, my wife and I purchased five $100. tickets. Other volunteers also bought up the few remaining tickets. The drawing takes place in public, and is drawn by a blind-folded, local radio personality.
I suppose conspiracy theorists will always have their suspicions. (Present company excluded of course.)
PS: Thanks for not being "unkind"