I am the fortunate owner of MartinLogan SL3s. These speakers are the crown jewels of my system, and I don't hope to improve on them, especially on my "budget".
I have been operating a 2-channel system that has satisfied my audio needs for both stereo and HT. Believe it or not, I have been so content with 2-channel even when watching movies that I haven't considered buying a 5, 6, or 7 channel receiver or separates. Until now.
Here's my problem. My preamp is dead. It's an old Lexicon processor that's long out of warranty and can't be repaired without unreasonable expense. Time to find a replacement.
Now that I am actually considering laying down the plastic and buying a replacement, the idea of surround sound is intriguing. I am now leaning towards a surround receiver, but I am worried. Without spending a mint, how can I find a 5.1-channel receiver that will cheerfully bear the 4ohm (and lower) impedance load of my beloved MartinLogans?
Does anyone have any advice on reasonably-priced receivers (or separates that are just as reasonably priced) that fit the bill? Since I am considering the 5.1 option, I would like to find a receiver that can handle a 4ohm load at every channel, all channels driven.
Please note that despite my tacky brand-name-dropping of "MartinLogan" and "Lexicon", I am no longer in a financial position to consider products at that price point. I'm talking $2000 as the maximum retail price, and I would be a happy man to get away for much less. Does such a product exist?
I'd be grateful for any advice or recommendation. The only music in my house now emits from a Tivoli Audio Model One table radio, which, while completely brilliant in its own way, is just not the same.