Gone to the Dogs...



Audioholic Samurai
I came across this article and found it quite amusing - especially the part about the dog going beserk and destroying the stereo.


My only question - if human beings can hear frequencies of up to 23Khz, and dogs can presumably hear up to 45 KHz, and most speakers play up to about 20 KHz (on the average), what's the part I'm missing? I call B.S. on this story, but it's still worthy of some entertainment value by reading it. :D



I'm going to go right ahead and agree with you Halon451. The general population usually doesn't have anything great for speakers, so even if this was recorded with frequencies up to 45khz, the speakers aren't passing that on to the listeners, be they dogs or human.

Its one of those gimmicks that appeal to those freaks that dress their dogs up and hold them in their purses... People who have money to waste on things that are totally bogus.

I find it amusing when they list some of the reactions of the dogs,

On the other side of the scale, they just lie down and did nothing
Why would dogs do any different? Why do people speculate that frequencies above the human audible range are mystically capable of really communing with dogs?

Oh well, thats a CD I definently wont be buying either way.


Audioholic Ninja
Maybe if you play it over Bose speakers. Bose has a great frequency response :D


Audioholic Chief
Haha, how weird.

How low can dogs hear? Do they percieve loudness the same way we do? Like, if something is loud for us, is it loud for a dog? Is their hearing the same sensitivity as ours, I guess is what I'm asking?

Dogs I've been around never really were bothered too much by loud music, or even heart pounding bass...


Audioholic Samurai
Haha, how weird.

How low can dogs hear? Do they percieve loudness the same way we do? Like, if something is loud for us, is it loud for a dog? Is their hearing the same sensitivity as ours, I guess is what I'm asking?

Dogs I've been around never really were bothered too much by loud music, or even heart pounding bass...
I don't know about that - last time I played my drums with the dog in the other room, it made him go apes**t. Probably a combination of loudness and very unfamiliar noise that bothered him though.. :(


Audioholic Intern
My only question - if human beings can hear frequencies of up to 23Khz, and dogs can presumably hear up to 45 KHz, and most speakers play up to about 20 KHz (on the average), what's the part I'm missing?
forget about the ratings of the speakers, what about the ratings of the media? The article says that the people were buying cds, which are limited to 22kHz (see Nyquist Frequency). It would need to be a SACD or DVDA to get up to 48KHz, from what I understand. And for some reason I don't think they were doing that.

I can't explain why the dog attacked the speakers (unless he just liked attacking things). But I can come up with a reason for the dogs simply lying down. But, perhaps they did release it in a capable media, and perhaps only one person played the music in a system capable of reproducing the high frequencies. If that was the case, perhaps that person is mourning the loss of some expensive speakers.

But they probably had money to blow, if they were buying cds for their dogs, anyhow.

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