Newb question here but this has been driving me nuts doing research on and not finding a straight forward answer, I need HELP!
My situation is i have an audiobahn aw1206t subwoofer which is rated as a 1100 watt 4ohm dual voice coil sub, and a bazooka rsa800.1d mono amp that is rated at 625 watts @ 4 ohms and 925 watts @ 2 ohms. My question is, Is there a way that i can get this amp to power the sub by wireing it a different way or am i going to have to get another amp. My friend suggested that i wire it in paralell to make it 2 ohm, but i think he's full of s*** since it seems to be pulling dc off the battery when i wire it that way (headlighs almost go dark and rpm drops) so i think that just makes it worse. Any help here would be appreciated, thanks.