Just to let everyone know,this and other forms have been extremely helpfull in the last year @half on my home theater.I started from zero knowledge in this area.Being a carpenter by trade, having the tools, and skills with wood really made the project easier.With limited skills in wiring/electrontics everthing in this area l tried to make easily ,undo/redoable.In regards to wiring, i new this had to be somewhat easy to change.What i did was take my base board,and raised it off thefloor about 1 to 1 1/4 up the wall,and loosely fastened.IF more room is needed the drywall in behind can be removed as needed.Once the wiring is in the final position. below the moulding,a small trim mould of 1 1/2to 1 3/4 can be fastened on the base of the first moulding, just touching the flooror carpet.I loosely fastened the small trim, I rerouted my wiring several times.