Getting the cops called on you....




you should all read my post. its called arrrrrg

And i dont live in an apartment, i live in a big house out in a new community and have a pretty good distance from mr. grandpa (the annoying complainer)


Senior Audioholic
Yes once.

I was more annoy'd by the fact that the neighbor couldn't just, walk over and ask me, instead he had to waste my time, his time, and the police officer's time.

I listen to my music at pretty low levels now though, I don't enjoy it as much if it's very loud.


Audioholic Samurai
That doesn’t matter a disturbance is a disturbance.
That was the position of the local police until i took the time to find out exactly what my rights were concerning noisey activities,the police dont have a clue as to what db levels are included in noise ordinances so they just act as any complaint is valid,until proven wrong.

I was forced by the threat of jail to research my noise laws & to get copies of every ordinance which i keep & show to the police when they come,a copy of the actual law & a db meter will send the police packing.

Playing your stereo is no different from the typical DIY home owner, who every weekend has a skill saw buzzing away building decks on the home or the lawn fanatic who mow's the lawn 3 times a week.

I have contempt for cop callers over music,just because we all dont plop our fat a$$es in front of the tv all day & night to sit & vegitate in front of a stupid tv a holes call the cops on us,i personally enjoy pi$$ing off my whiny cop calling neighbors with music & motorcycles,my family is an outdoor family & with that comes noise.
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Audioholic Samurai
Hmmm, I wonder why they don't want to talk to you... :D
Na,their just dinks,the wife has huge balls but the husband is a sniveling little coward who refuses to make eye contact with anybody,the type of guy who looks at the ground instead of making eye contact.

The reason i call their kid an inviso baby is that we never see it,EVER,they have lived next to us for about 2 years & we have never seen the kid outside,we see it standing at the front screen door staring outside but they never take it outside to play,another reason (main reason) i hate them.

They will be happy in 2 more weeks though,were moving into our new home as soon as the contractor is finished with a few more things.


Full Audioholic
Just one more reason not to put up with the nonsense of living in an apartment or condo.

I lived in three apartments over a five year period, and had some kind of problems in all three. I had a neighbor who had a junkyard quailty old Corvette that had no exhaust on it, and he started it and let it warm up right next to my bedroom window every morning. Did I cry to the manager? No. My dog barked once in a while, and he cried constantly about it. I had him DEBARKED when he needed surgery for something else anyway, and the pinhead STILL complained to the manager, who it turned out he was dating. I got the boot soon after.

The place before that I had problems with the landlord ( A high priced hooker!) and her idiot boyfriend/pimp. If he wasn't trying to come inside, he was crying about something outside. Some kids took some plexiglass he had sitting in my garage, and he blamed me for it. I was doing him a favor by letting them put it there in the first place! I changed the locks, and he went nuts, and then tried to break in one night, and was chased out by my older dog. I had no problems until then with the hooker, but she got on my case, so I left ASAP.

The last place was crazy, I had phone calls made to Hawaii from neighbors patching into my phone lines. They got busted because everyone knew they had grown up there (Dad was in the Navy), and told the phone company when they got their bills for unmade calls. The phone company pressed charges due to the huge number of calls made and for how long it continued. I also had another hooker and her boyfriend/pimp living next to me. He was fine, she hated me from day one, and called the manager and accused me of not picking up from my dog constantly. One time the manager comes running out from her office accusing my dog dumping in front of her door minutes before that. I just tossed the full bag of it I was carrying at her feet. After that, the hooker called me everytime I played my stereo louder than very low.
I started calling her up, then the manager when her and the boyfriend would start fighting.

When I got out I swore I would live in a trailer in the back of some rental property before I will live in an apartment or condo again. A friend of mine is about to lose his mind living in a condo while waiting for his new house to get done. He signs a lease for the place, then finds out the head of the associaton is a guy who he went from kindergarten to high school with, and never got along with. The guy has caused him no end of problems, and with 3 months to go, it's like torture for him and his wife. Their son is living with his Uncle to keep him out of trouble with the assoc for breathing or something.


I got called on one time. But it was really my fault. One night I got too stressed out, started blasting my stereo 2 o'clock in the morning. About half an hour later, two cops were banging on my front door. Yeah, definitely learned my lesson not to play loud music at 2 o'clock in the morning.:p


Junior Audioholic
I moved into an apartment in an old renovated yarn mill on new years eve a few years back. I planned on having a few friends over for some pre-gaming so I introduced myself to all my neighbors and explained that I would not be a loud neighbor but being New Years and all, I was planning on some partying until around 12:30 A.M. If it got loud they could just call or knock on the wall. They were all cool with it until I got a phone call from management at 8:00 P.M. stating that the next step would be the cops. There were only 4 of us there at the time and we were quiet.
I squeaked through 2 months in that place before I was threatend with eviction. I didn't care to fight it so I just left. Funny thing though, I knew this group of kids there that I avoided because they were always in trouble, they all think I like 'em, but I don't. They harass my old neighbor to death now so alls well that ends well.

And the other day I was at a friends house who was throwing a party, we were in the basement when the stereo went full blast and startled all of us to death. I ran upstairs to find a cop in the living room trying to turn down the music. Apparently he thought the music was to loud so he knocked a couple times and then walked in to turn it down. The dial spiked to full volume when he spun the knob too fast and he woke up the other neighbors who then called the cops. eiieiieii. They gave my friend a ticket for noise disturbance without even giving a warning and the court wouldn't drop the ticket. Booo.

Sometimes I wish I were a lawyer.

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