hello world !!!
i bought yamaha rxv-350 with nsp-240 yamaha speaker system.....
using samsung dvd player i've just some questions...
when i use dvd and i set my rxv-350 to play in dolby prologic or prologicII
i don't listen clear sound and sorround effect in my rear speakers does not exist.(low low low)
i checked a lot of times my cable connection and i'm sure right cabling.
Also in my rxv-350 display panel i don't see light on symbol of SR(surround right) on LR(surround left) LFE(subwoofer) C(center) but just
on L(front left) and on R(front right).
this environment also when i play a DTS dvd....
i think it's not normal but i don't know how to avoid this problem.
Is there a setting problem ?
Is there an Hardware problem ?
can you help me to understand ?