The statistics are kind of confusing on this one:
47% of all people diagnosed with AIDS were probably infected with HIV through male-to-male sexual contact, while people exposed through heterosexual contact comprise around
17% of the total.
In 2005, in 33 of the United States,
18,722 males were diagnosed with HIV from male-to-male sexual content.
12,219 males and females were diagnosed with HIV from high-risk heterosexual contact.
I think these numbers are close enough to justify the abolishment of that ruling.
Also, since AIDS testing is becoming very reliable, it's even less of an issue.
Maybe we should ban high-risk heterosexuals also. That would be fair. Unfortunately, I'm sure a large number of "high-risk" heterosexuals are blood donors.
Also, do we really have such a surplus of blood to be screening people like this? No. In fact, there are often shortages. Maybe there would be a huge surplus of rainbow-colored blood saving hundreds of lives from all the new homosexuals itching to exercise their new found right!
On a somewhat related note, I ask you this:
If you were dying because you needed a transfusion, would you be willing to accept HIV contaminated blood?