FunkyWaves; for uncompromising men, the coolest of women, and Canadians.

billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
That last pic housing the driver taken with white background, will likely be posted on FW's custom page....:D. That is a beautiful looking cab....nice work Mr. Funk...:).

Ps: I hope it doesn't displace


Audioholic Intern
Oh dear!
That is sharp looking. Should sound pretty sharp too. Same dimensions as on his site for the 18.0w?
How low will it go in that box? Also, what kind of SPL can be expected?
Weight? 120lbs?
Very jealous. The rounded corners really do it for me.


Audioholic Ninja
Oh dear!
That is sharp looking. Should sound pretty sharp too. Same dimensions as on his site for the 18.0w?
How low will it go in that box? Also, what kind of SPL can be expected?
Weight? 120lbs?
Very jealous. The rounded corners really do it for me.
I agree, he did an amazing job with that....

I get pretty good low end room gain with the room its going into, so with a little boost down low I should be able to be seeing 10hz or so with more then reasonable output, def WAY more output then I will be wanting or needing - 115-120db, with my 4000w amp...
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Hey Warp

I just wanna say you're the man....I've being following the warp/funky thread over at Avs in the DIY section and I applaud you and all your efforts. Regardless of how the pending review turns out on FW12, I wholeheartedly agree with your and Gene's comments with respect to working and dealing with Nathan..he is first class and so are you!

Cheers, Bill.....:)


Audioholic Ninja
I'm going to have Mike seperate this Q&A into a new thread, as we are getting WAY OFF TOPIC from the FUNKY WAVES THREAD....
If you guys would hold off, we can continue over there....
Hmm. Not if I get Funky Waves to make me a horn for my Mal-X :eek::eek:

Maybe next summer...


I'd pay them to build me a $1300 kayak, but not a $1300 sub cabinet. :D

They seem to do nice work, but it's overpriced.


I think anyone that has tried their hand in woodworking and getting a finish to perfection can appreciation the time and labor it takes, which equates to a higher cost than a mass produced, vinyl wrapped box.

Ever priced custom furniture?
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
I think anyone that has tried their hand in woodworking and getting a finish to perfection can appreciation the time and labor it takes, which equates to a higher cost than a mass produced, vinyl wrapped box.

Ever priced custom furniture? sub..jk:p.
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Audioholic Ninja
I'd pay them to build me a $1300 kayak, but not a $1300 sub cabinet. :D

They seem to do nice work, but it's overpriced.
Even that $1300 Kayak of yours will have a,'MADE IN CHINA' printed on it.

funky waves

Junior Audioholic
Both those speaker designs have been a long time in development, the HT7.1 is the first in a line, the next to come will be a smaller version suitable for center/surrounds. They will be available as a home theater package with the FW12.X subwoofer. They have been designed to work very well together, as well as are available in all the same finishes.

The FW7.R we are especially happy with, that response graph is raw unsmoothed, and as you can see very flat. It is also available without the Aluminum front, for much less.

If anyone has any questions or comments feel free to post them.


Audioholic Ninja
The "Standard" version appears a good ~10db down by ~100hz or so... is this intended for use with stereo woofers with an active crossover?

I noticed it does come ported as well with extension down to 65hz

funky waves

Junior Audioholic
The "Standard" version appears a good ~10db down by ~100hz or so... is this intended for use with stereo woofers with an active crossover?

I noticed it does come ported as well with extension down to 65hz
Yes stereo subwoofers would be the best application for them, the sealed enclosure controls cone excursion well so a crossover is not needed for them but if used would increase power handling and output capability.

Ported would have a little less maximum output and would need to have a high pass crossover applied, but they could then be used with a single subwoofer.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Hi Nathan, the HT7.1 is also named FW7.R in the title when you use the link..don't know if your aware of it, but it may cause some confusion....:eek:. Also could you add the could also prove helpful in some instances.
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Audioholic Ninja
Yes stereo subwoofers would be the best application for them, the sealed enclosure controls cone excursion well so a crossover is not needed for them but if used would increase power handling and output capability.
This got me thinking on a bit of a tangent.

A lot of us use ported speakers. Now ports have resonances that often show up in the measurements.

With subwoofers, we normally take care to avoid exciting these port resonances, by low passing an octave or so below it.

Yet so many of us use ported speakers as a whole, and don't really "notice" the vent resonances, even though they show up in the speaker's pass band.

Additionally, vents introduce some phase shift, which makes aligning to subs that much more difficult.

So shouldn't more speakers designed to be used with a sub be sealed, and and subwoofers likewise (or with a passive radiator, not a vent, to avoid the vent resonance?).

funky waves

Junior Audioholic
Hi Nathan, the HT7.1 is also named FW7.R in the title when you use the link..don't know if your aware of it, but it may cause some confusion....:eek:. Also could you add the could also prove helpful in some instances.
Fixed, thanks for pointing that out.

Additionally, vents introduce some phase shift, which makes aligning to subs that much more difficult.
More difficult yes, but still possible with good results.

So shouldn't more speakers designed to be used with a sub be sealed, and and subwoofers likewise (or with a passive radiator, not a vent, to avoid the vent resonance?).
Yes, but to get comparable output low enough would require the enclosure and driver to be larger, and size is important to many.

With subwoofers, we normally take care to avoid exciting these port resonances, by low passing an octave or so below it.

Yet so many of us use ported speakers as a whole, and don't really "notice" the vent resonances, even though they show up in the speaker's pass band.
The reason for this is the magnitude of the resonance. With a small ported speaker like the HT7.1 the port resonance contributes less than a +-0.15db wiggle in the FR, there are many other more significant issues to design around, like baffle step, native driver response etc. In a subwoofer design with a large port the resonance can be much, much larger, on the order of +-5-10db in some cases and must be addressed.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Local GTG..

I posted this over at Avs because the other members are more local there.

But I want you all to know that my Funkywaves AE av12x held its own(relatively speaking of course) with the likes of the pb13u and Hsu VFT15h...AAMOF....they were suprised how good it sounded and how cool it looked!

Thanks, Nathan...:)


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  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis