My opinions about this issue with Hollywood has evolved a bit since writing the editorial. I still maintain the same conclusion. But I see it more closely tied to marketing.
With the recent publicity around the new 007 and now Terminator, it is a marketing tactic that seems to come from a place of desperation for hurting franchises. It gets a lot if publicity and, I believe the hope of the makers is to open the franchise to a broader audience.
I knew the Daniel Craig Bond was being retrofitted to appeal to females, the scene in Casino Royale where Bond walks out of the water was a reversal of the scene in the first Bond film where the first Bond girl walked out of the water in the same way, sex appeal on full display. The black female 007 has Bond confronting the post MeToo world, it seems like a natural extension. I believe the last few Bond films have been disappointing in the box office, so maybe they hope going full woke will help.
But for Hollywood, the China influence would seem to be a counterweight against woke, I don't know for sure but it seems Asian audiences aren't as impressed with "wokeness", and it's become a huge influence on the movies in the last decade.