As I commented before, I lean towards the Yamahas for their Loudness Contour which I like for listening at medium levels (and the classic style). Otherwise there is not a whole lot to distinguish between receivers. Let us know what you look at so we can make sure the amplification is adequate.
I looked at the reviews on Amazon as I assume that is where you saw about the on-off problem. If you look to the right just under the reviewer's name in light gray print, this problem is consistently with the R-S201 ($130). I don't like the way reviews for multiple models get lumped together on Amazon - not sure if it is Amazon or Yamaha's fault, but it causes a lot of confusion.
It is disappointing that Yamaha screwed up on the R-S201, but if you look at the R-S500, you will see the reviews are a different story. It is your choice, I just did not want you to eliminate the R-S500 for the wrong reason.
I think you will have a shipping charge for the Philharmonics, so contact them and find out about that.
75 honest watts in your bedroom at moderate volume levels driving the Philharmonics provides a comfortable power reserve.
That puts you at $350 + $275 = $625 plus shipping on the Philharmonics, call it $700. $300 under your budget. We like to spend other peoples money, so don't be surprised - you may get more ideas.