Folklore demo - PS3



Audioholic Jedi
I saw this up there on Thursday and downloaded it. I have been eagerly awaiting this game and so far it looks great. The demo is short (not as short as Heavenly Sword), but absolutely worth it. You get to use either of the two main characters in a little "how to play" type single level with a boss. It appears to be done with the same engine as Genji:Days of the Blade and that is a good thing as the graphics for that were very good. Game play is fairly simple, 4 "power" buttons to which you can assign various attacks or defenses. You acquire different powers by absorbing them from defeated foes in various ways, depending on the enemy. The graphics are impressive, as expected. The sound was a bit of a surprise too, it gives you a big, open feel with the surrounds providing directional ambient sound pretty much all of the time. Give it a look!


Audioholic Ninja
I just played through the demo using the female character, there is a male but I don't know if there are any differences. I didn't think the demo was short at all, if anything it is one of the longer ones I have played so far. As J said the visuals are amazing, but the sound through me right away. This game really makes use of a full 5.1/7.1 set up. The gameplay was great too. After this demo it seems like a must buy for me.


Audioholic Jedi
I tried the girl first and died because I couldn't figure out how to beat the boss..second time I played the guy and it is pretty much the exact same demo with different powers, characters and scenery. I finished that one the first time through and when I went back to the girl, the boss fight only took a few minutes. It doesn't quite have that American McGee's Alice wickedness to it as I had hoped, but it is very cool so far. I knew this was a must buy at the first trailer :)


Audioholic Chief
Interesting concept. The graphics and sound are pretty good. I found it odd that it loads like a "room" when you enter or exit, but it's not a room. Seems like they should have used streaming. The dialogue lacks voice acting which is odd for a game of this type, but i didn't mind that much as it lends to a comic book feel.

Not a bad demo. It's good to see an original concept too :)


Audioholic Jedi
That is just the demo, the full version may load large maps onto the disc so you can move from area to area more seemlessly. I'm not too crazy about the lack of dialog either, so hopefully that part is just for the demo and not the full version.

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