It seems obvious to me that with the influence of the internet a person would stumble upon the occasional piece of gear that you might never see in your town and I fully understand that and fully accept those facts of life . Now for my rant it also seems to me that the stores that are still around stock less and less ! I live in Vancouver BC ah so Beautiful but ah so ipod trendy and apparently tone deaf city , with all the out lying suburbs approx 2 million people from here to say Chilliwack maybe a lil more maybe lil less so not exactly world's densest place but not exactly the sparsest either . Do you think I can find anything besides Cambridge Audio 340C or maybe a Marantz CD5004 and one just one entry level NAD C515BEE to listen to in a store anywhere? NOT a Fuxen Chance no no no we can sell you a bluray ! or yes we can order that in for you at full rip!! WTF?? 2 million people and no real stores it's either complete trash just buy a $99 bluray dude or,,,,,,,,, we have this $24,000 unit you might like sir? WOW so pretty all that useless n mostly gawdy bling,,,, but I kinda like eating to he pondered to himself,,,,,,, . I have been unable to find a Music Hall cd 15.2 for a audition unable to find a NAD C545BEE although I did like the C515BEE , unable to find a Parasound Zcd , all I suppose mid priced?? units and NOT one to be found anywhere in the crap land of BestBuy and FutureShop . Welcome to the 21st century ! more gear than ever and less of it around , lovely just marvelous . Oh to top it off most USA based companies like AudioAdvisor have ceased sales to Canada , why lol cuz it hurtz salez in Canada ! er what salez in Canada? oh we can order that for you is not fair to the Canadian consumer we surely will pay higher than US prices without even a chance to listen before you buy ! Thatz Complete BullShyte 1000% BullShyte if Canadian dealers are that lazy or arrogant to think we don't need to stock anything then I should be able to order from wherever the hell I want . Calling out all the weenie BS shopz in BC stock some gear U jerk offz grow some nards and bring in something for gawd sakez not just Cambridge and Marantz . 2 million people and 2 or 3 models of cd player if you are lucky simply brilliant , don't you think?