Are you sure that's the glasses? The image will generally be darker in 3D period. Let me know how they go. I use a separate setting for 3D that has more backlight and contrast.
@j_garcia @afterlife2
3D is definitely darker, without question. With the Samsung's and the Samsung glasses, I would say that they are only acceptably bright, but definitely not as bright as I'd like the image to be.
I picked a poor movie to try out the 3D emitter with, Godzilla, but at least I found out the Samsung glasses work. OTOH, they make everything unacceptably dark, even with the aperature wide open and high power mode and the 3D picture mode. Still could barely make out anything in any sort of dim or darker scene and in a scene like the train scene where they need to cross the bridge........fuhgettaboutit. You can't see sh!t. The other issue is that the Samsung glasses are extremely poor for a screen this size where you have a lot going on in your peripherals. The lenses just aren't big enough. I will say that I noticed a distinct difference, IMO, between the TV's and the projector in terms of how the 3D looked. It may just be because of the larger image, but I watched one movie on the TV and found it underwhelming at best. I watched one scene with the PJ and was immediately interested. The added depth and the tiny amount of stuff coming out from the screen were much easier to notice and appreciate IMO.
I haven't gotten to use the Xpand glasses yet because they need to fully charge before you can use them and I didn't think to plug them in as soon as I got back from BB. Directions say about 2 hours to fully charge so they may be done for a test tonight, or maybe not. Depends on how late I want to stay up and how much longer I want to leave my contacts in (I've had them in since 5:30 this morning). I have high hopes though, misguided or not, because they are much more comfortable than the Samsung glasses and the fit/lense size almost completely covers the field of view.
Nearly spoke too soon. The lights on both glasses just went out, which means they're charged. Off to play and hopefully not be horribly disappointed. Otherwise I need to take another trip back to BB tomorrow and list a 3D emitter on ebay.