Fed cuts interest, oil down a bit.



Audioholic Samurai
I love this:

Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), a presidential candidate, earlier this week said Exxon "made out like bandits" with their $40 billion profit in 2007. "Middle-class families are paying too much and oil companies are not paying their fair share," she said.

She would love to nationalize the oil companies! By the way what's their fair share? Yo! Billary, last time I checked we live in a capitalist nation.
Ha! I'm glad someone else is recognizing this... well done Mr. Caveman. She was barking up this tree long before she even put on her Uncle Sam hat and began campaigning. It's so funny how she continues to prey on the fears and anxieties we face as Americans to promote such socialistic agendas, disguised as items "designed to even the score" for all. When I hear that, I shudder... :(


Audioholic Samurai
Ha! I'm glad someone else is recognizing this... well done Mr. Caveman. She was barking up this tree long before she even put on her Uncle Sam hat and began campaigning. It's so funny how she continues to prey on the fears and anxieties we face as Americans to promote such socialistic agendas, disguised as items "designed to even the score" for all. When I hear that, I shudder... :(
Oh, and let me clarify - I am what you would call middle class, not rich by any means, but definitely not in the poor house. I sit smack dab in the middle of where this is hitting us the most, so anyone ready to jump on me for "defending the rich", understand that I feel the pain of our situation every day, despite a reasonable income. And I will defend to my dying day the fact that socialism or nationalization efforts will inevitably put us light years behind on the progress charts when all is said and done.

As for the oil companies? I don't worry too much. Eventually technology will catch up to them and make their services and commodities obsolete. They are their biggest undoing, themselves. They have forced the world to step up their efforts in weening ourselves off the sticky stuff by the greed they possess. In a relative few years I hope we will all be helping them sing their swan song...

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