"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self-awareness."
Annie from Bull Durham
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this."
Terry Pratchett
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
The last quote having been the most useful. In the worst of times, what most modern people would call poverty, we were never hungry. Lived mostly on an abundance of fresh seafood. Consequently also having the best of health during that time. Neither fat, nor too lean. Old calories traded for the new each day.
Which brings me to another favorite quote from my friend's dad. Who taught us all how to live freely, cleverly and conservatively from the land. A seemingly unambitious man, but absolutely brilliant at everything he did. One of those right/left brain problem solvers, who may have graduated from the 6th grade. Never wore shoes beyond the most absolutes of social necessities. The following quote, having come up in a conversation on city living, welfare lines and food stamps.
"Only a fool could starve in Florida."
Bill Bierce (RIP)
Damned if that isn't true. I've proven it to myself and my sons a thousand times and we still live a lot like that. Not so much from necessity, as much as a certain quality of life it provides and that we don't forget how. Also, as many displaced people who have lived under this roof over the years, we could always afford to feed them. It's not so much charity when they have a hand in the actual process.
With that said, every time the economy goes wrong, and it will again, and people start freaking out, I stick some seeds in the dirt, mend my nets and my fishing gear, and leave the light on. Then I thank God, and ol' Bill Bierce.