F.E.A.R. 3 Trailer Scares the ‘Net



Audioholic Samurai
F.E.A.R. 3 Trailer Scares the ‘Net
06/05/2010 Written by Kyle P.

With E3 just around the corner, gamers are feverishly awaiting any new information or media coming from their favorite games. Bypassing the wave of media that accompanies the event, Warner Brothers decided to release the official E3 trailer for F.E.A.R. 3 a tad early.

Appearing on GameTrailers TV last night, the trailer is exactly what you wold expect from a F.E.A.R. title: scary. The trailer shows a good blend of action and suspense. So turn off the lights, sit back, and enjoy this awesome video.

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Source: PlayStation LifeStyle


i am in love with this game cant wait to paly it on my screen!!!

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