Audioholic Spartan
simple actually........Biden chose her for identity politics rather than competence.
But, does that make her unfit to be POTUS? I mean, even if being a POC and a woman factored into Joe picking her as a running mate, he didn't pick her from out of nowhere. She was considered a serious contender for the 2020 nomination. Why should that be held against her?


Audioholic Spartan
But, does that make her unfit to be POTUS? I mean, even if being a POC and a woman factored into Joe picking her as a running mate, he didn't pick her from out of nowhere. She was considered a serious contender for the 2020 nomination. Why should that be held against her?
'even if' ????? give me a break, only the most naive person would think that way and don't forget the 'California connection'.

here's some current opinions, I'll let you judge for yourself .........



Audioholic Field Marshall
But, does that make her unfit to be POTUS? I mean, even if being a POC and a woman factored into Joe picking her as a running mate, he didn't pick her from out of nowhere. She was considered a serious contender for the 2020 nomination. Why should that be held against her?
I’m not overly concerned with here domestic policy, I think Republicans maintain control of the Senate and she wouldn’t be able to rock the boat too much. My issue is international politics where I think Russia and China would attempt to walk all over her, leaders would start slow by snubbing her and if they got away with it It would turn into full court press. I would personally like to see the US give up her roll as international police but I think we need a very strong president to do that well. I don’t think she is the right choice at this time to deal with challenges we face abroad.


Audioholic Spartan
'even if' ????? give me a break, only the most naive person would think that way and don't forget the 'California connection'.

here's some current opinions, I'll let you judge for yourself .........

There's nothing in that Politico piece that indicates she isn't qualified - just that she has a problem in the polls. That goes back to my original question. Joe's motivation to make her his running mate is irrelevant to her ability to do the job.

She couldn't possibly be the bag of hammers that Trump was in office.


Audioholic Spartan
I’m not overly concerned with here domestic policy, I think Republicans maintain control of the Senate and she wouldn’t be able to rock the boat too much. My issue is international politics where I think Russia and China would attempt to walk all over her, leaders would start slow by snubbing her and if they got away with it It would turn into full court press. I would personally like to see the US give up her roll as international police but I think we need a very strong president to do that well. I don’t think she is the right choice at this time to deal with challenges we face abroad.
What!? You think Putin an Xi didn't walk all over Trump? It's charming that you think other world leaders would snub the POTUS, regardless of who it might be.


Audioholic Spartan
I tried implying that over in the 'Joe' thread but Trell is not capable of seeing the forest for the trees ........
I also wrote it does not matter as long as Trump is not elected. Do you have a reading comprehension problem that are worsening as you get older?


Audioholic Field Marshall
I also wrote it does not matter as long as Trump is not elected. Do you have a reading comprehension problem that are worsening as you get older?
Bro, everyone could read just fine, but I think a lot of of us are getting sick and tired of you. Just saying you don’t like Trump without coming up with a single solid reason why. If you flat out just don’t like the guy that’s perfectly OK to say, but I think you’ve said it enough and we all know. You have a long sense become irrelevant, and have not brought anything of value to any discussion. Occasionally, you use a three dollar scrabble word and likening yourself to the douche bag from Wayne’s world but aside from that giving us all a little laugh you’ve accomplished nothing.


Audioholic Spartan
Bro, everyone could read just fine, but I think a lot of of us are getting sick and tired of you. Just saying you don’t like Trump without coming up with a single solid reason why. If you flat out just don’t like the guy that’s perfectly OK to say, but I think you’ve said it enough and we all know. You have a long sense become irrelevant, and have not brought anything of value to any discussion. Occasionally, you use a three dollar scrabble word and likening yourself to the douche bag from Wayne’s world but aside from that giving us all a little laugh you’ve accomplished nothing.
From reading your ranting posts it’s no wonder that your wife left you and you lost your business. Even the military rejected you when you tried to join.

So a looser like you of course joins MAGA where your ignorance and lack of critical thinking are welcomed.


Audioholic Spartan
There's nothing in that Politico piece that indicates she isn't qualified - just that she has a problem in the polls. That goes back to my original question. Joe's motivation to make her his running mate is irrelevant to her ability to do the job.

She couldn't possibly be the bag of hammers that Trump was in office.
It wouldn’t surprise me if it just boils down to that they see her as uppity, that is, a Black woman not knowing her place.
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Audioholic Spartan
Policy + behavior/character for the learning deficient. Trump regularly fails in behavior. Trump's a$$holery was his big attraction (after policy), but don't wonder why he's not respected by the other half. There is also no optimism or positivity with Trump's tone. I imagine there are still some MAGA still wondering why Trump isn't godsend to some.

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