OK, see, that's EXACTLY what's wrong with this site. People can get labeled a "sex offender" for all sorts of cases... for example, an 18 year old having consensual sex with his teen girlfriend:
like this poor guy
Or for being a sick f*** like this guy recently in the news:
Sick F*** .
I'm all for a tool LIKE this website, but if it doesn't differentiate between these types of offenders, it isn't very useful and unfair to basically decent folks who trip over some technicality. It does give you SOME information, though not enough in many cases. Better than nothing, but there seriously needs to be some reform of who gets put on these lists in the first place.
There is merit to what you say but not feasibility,it is flat out against the law in the USA to list the specifics of the crime,all they can list is what formal charge they are convicted of.
I see that site for exactly what it is & i see it from all angle's,not just the angle of a parent.
I spent two years living with pedophiles & rapists when i was in prison & i can tell ya they are some sneaky son's a b!tc#e's,they look like the average joe,act like the average joe but their brains are not wired right.
Most importantly my wife was a victim of child abuse & was molested when she was young,her molester was given 15 to life,from what transpired in court when her attacker was convicted evidence was given that she was not his only victim,there were many.
She went to counseling for alot of years to get over that crap & i have learned alot about pedophilia from her,these guys are skilled hunters,they hone their skills & attack again & again,they will never stop no matter how many times they are caught,if they are free they will attack & no amount of counseling in prison or half way house is going to rewire their thought patterns,or their impulse to prey on children.
I also see the site from a stand point of being labeled,im labeled as a convict & alot of times my conviction gets in the way of my every day life,when i get pulled over for speeding & the cop runs my plate im screwed,every time i get the full treatment,crossing borders is no fun either but it's what goes along with being a convicted felon.
The whole point is this,it is not the responsibility of the state or taxpayers to make sure the minority few truly innocent dont get lumped up with the majority of the perverts on that site,the site's main goal is to warn parents, not to protect convicted sex offenders from being labeled,if you commited a sex crime you are worthy of being on that site & rightly so.