Yeah, I tried to compare those. I found the two frequency response graphs, and it actually looks to me like the DMC-1 is better, although it's hard to tell since the RX-V2600 graph has no lines for 20Hz and 20kHz. The wording implies the RX-V2600 is -0.5dB at 20Hz and -0.25dB at 20kHz but uses variance, so I guess that's not exactly the right interpretation.
I also didn't see any pre-amp signal-to-noise or distortion numbers on the RX-V1400. The DMC-1 has: "-105.86 dB below 16.46 dBV or 6.6Vrms; Reference Level (at 0.10 % THD+N) <10 Hz - 22k Hz bandwidth , no option filter." which seems extremely good to me; I'm not as interested in the numbers when using the analog inputs.
Plus, the DMC-1 went to 6.6Vrms without clipping while the RX-V1400 went to 4.55Vrms.
I must be missing something or misinterpreting something?