Emergent Help Needed! Projector went dark




While watching a show 3 days ago, the video suddenly went black while the sound played on as normal.
The projector (see my specs in my signature) light went from green (active) to yellow (standby).
I assumed it was my lamp, which had 1645 hours on it (a little short, but I've moved the projector 3-4 times in 18 months and figured maybe I jarred it?)...so I bought 2 replacement (OEM) lamps and had them overnighted.

My entire system was built and turned on in April 2007...so not very old. Ran perfectly every day for that duration until now.

I got the lamps today, plugged a new lamp in and turned it on.
It ran fine (just like the other night) for about 5 minutes, then...
BLAM, projector went to yellow light (stand-by) and black screen, sound plays on normally.

So - it clearly was not the lamp ($650 spent for a later contingency it seems).

What might the problem or issue be?
Anyone have any experience with this sort of event?
Suggestions for a fix?



P.S. - I have 'Ironman' and have a big date with my wife Friday night to finally watch it!


it could be that there is a problem or a fault that has occured with the internal electronics causing all your new bulbs to blow (this would be a really cruel and expensive problem).

i assume that when you try it later on, that the projector does not display any image with either bulb (maybe wait for it too cool down) ? This would then suggest that the projector has developed a fault and is destroying your bulbs after a few minutes, maybe causing them to get too hot and destroy themselves.

Or the projector is automatically shutting itself off ? maybe getting too hot

Or possibly its going into a standby, screen saver mode or something like that.

I dont actually own a projector myself, just some suggestions, and thoughts you may want to think about :eek: hope that helps


Audioholic General
I would call Panasonic or one of their service centers to see if they know what could possibly be the problem.

Make sure the filters are new and give it a good blow!!( an air can would probably be better!)

Good Luck and let us know what is the final resolution.

P.S. If you do not get it working in time, try a drive in if you can find one. Nothing like a stroll down memory lane!!!

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