Elite vsx-92txh vs denon 2809ci



Can any body help me with this problem, i was on the process to upgrade my receiver, i went to best buy(i buy there because i get the 18 monts no interest, but they carry only elites or denons) i found the elite for vsx-92txh $799(it is an open box),i bought it it seems to be a great reciver with lots of options to play with and certifications like Thx select2, air studios tunning, elite has mcacc vs denon's auddisey, etc, but i found the elite complicated to navigate throught it, i have experience with denons and i love them i wanted to get the 2809ci but the price on the elite gain me, my questions are:

Is the elite any better than the denon?

if not, the price that i got it for will make up that diference?

Thank you for your help, i tried to do some research for the pioneer but there is not a single pro review posted on the internet


Senior Audioholic
You should post this in the Amps and Receivers sub-forum.

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