DVI Gear is the HDMIzzle
I personally have been using the SHR version of the 10 meter DVI Gear cable in my wall.
This thing has been rock solid. I recently tried to replace it, as I needed just a couple of extra feet. I bought a 35 foot Blue Jeans HDMI cable (their newest, latest and greatest) thinking it would give me what I needed. Unfortunately, it only worked with my satelite dish box which was outputting 1080i or 720p. Nothing else (PS3, HD DVD player, or Denon receiver) would even sync and I had a blank pic.
Of course, I had already removed the DVI gear cable from behind the wall and put in the BJ cable. *sigh* Well, after finding the problem, I put the the good ol' DVI SHR HDMI cable back in the wall, and just had to cut some corners and move the gear around a bit to make it fit. All is well now, and it all works. I just recently bought several more of the blue SHR cables to replace some cheapo HDMI cables in my system, just to give me some peace of mind for future upgrades. *grin* Well worth the money and it's still cheaper than what you can buy at Best Buy for the the Mon$ter HDMI cables.
P.S. This is not a paid advertisement from DVI Gear... But if they want to send me some free stuff, I'll use it. *laugh*