This is like information overload here! Let's forget all the tech talk for a bit. I am begining to see that while the engineers are continually coming up with stuff to make our music sound better, our ears (individually) determines what we will end up spending our money on. I for one would love to get the same sort of sound from my system as I get through my Sennheiser headsets. Even those differ in sound as well. I have had get togethers where a couple of my friends were tweaking the stereo to what they think it should sound like and we mostly disagreed on what setting was the best. In the end it was a compromise that we could all deal with.
I have been going back and forth with the CD players and the amps, I even took it into the HT system and hooked it up. From what I am used to, I do believe that there is some detail missing and maybe a better set of speakers would help. However, what I am finding out is that some of these components sound good together while others seem to bring out more flaws. With the Carver system, the bass seem to have more kick than the Cambridge but the highs are a little lacking. With the Cambridge, adding tonal bias doesn't seem to had a lot more kick, while the Carver makes a distinct difference. Is it because the Carver is a high power/current amp? I don't know. Is it that the Cambridge unit has newer parts? Again, I don't know.
I play some CDs in my car and have managed to tweak it to a point where I tend to notice instruments that I hear with the headphones with out trying to. My guess is that I am going to have to play around with different equipment until I find one that gives me the sound that I like, in the rooms I have these things placed. I just don't want to go broke doing it, which seems like a real possibility. Ahh, my head hurts. Where is that headset?