Got my Phoenix today and put it in place. She is a thing of beauty! The driver looks massive next to my 12" 3.3 Excellent craftsmanship all the way around! I have played a few bass heavy scenes, but have not totally dialed it in yet and it sounds very powerful and clean.
Tomorrow I am off from work and plan on really getting it dialed in and will play a lot of material. When I EQ it with the 8033, I am going to try it just on my carpet with the feet and also with it slightly elevated about 1/2".
Chad told me that I don't want to go to high because it will change the tuning point a bit. Does anyone know what I may expect by raising it only 1/2"? Just that amount should allow the ports to move more air I would think. Chad said it would probably be unnecessary, but me being me, has to mess with things a bit
Chad said the Phoenix is tuned somewhere between 17-18hz and the way he described the design to me was its like a subwoofer with (3) 4" ports only (1) of the ports is plugged all the time.
I will try and snap some photos tomorrow.