Hopefully this thread is in the correct forum.
I am fairly new to the AV world and have started to make some improvements to my man cave.
I have an Infocus LP70 Projector, Sony DVD Surround Sound System (cheap but it works for my space), WII Game Console.
Prior to connecting my game console to it I had no issues with the horizontal roll displayed on my screen. Also the same time I was connecting my WII the projector fell and it took a small piece out of the plastic casing.
After connecting my Wii and Arista AV switch I started getting the horizontal roll on the screen. It didnt matter game or movie same results.
Today after deciding to get into the problem I discovered the "ground loop" concept. After disconnecting and reconnecting everything I pretty much am set that the AV switch is creating the roll.
With the DVD Surroud connected straight to the projector I get no interference.
So with that being said what AV switch will be my best option at an affordable cost ($200 or less)? I would also like the switch to have a coax connector so I can plug my coax from a cable splitter to watch TV with the projector.
I have read some forums that indicated Joytechs but I cannot find them anywhere and the threads I have read are old 2002-2007 and nothing after.
I may not have a $10000 system but being Army retired its the best I can afford.
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.