I'm afraid I can't give you exact dates, but it's effects on pain, especially lower back pain, have been researched and published since the 70's (in 1997, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) stated that acupuncture is useful for muscular, skeletal, and generalized pain, as well as for anesthesia and post-operative pain. This was based on a critical review of over 67 controlled trials of acupuncture for pain control), although broader acknowledgement is fairly recent (within the last 3-5 years). I can't give chapter and verse on publications either, but several studies have shown that it can be very effective - e.g. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine:
Use of Acupuncture for Managing Chronic Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy.
There's loads of stuff around:
Scientists Prove Acupuncture Works(
Acupuncture Points to Post-op Comfort
Some random references:
Cheng. R.S.S. and B. Pomeranz. Electrotherapy of chronic musculoskeletal pain: comparison of Electroacupuncture and Acupuncture-Like Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. Clinn J. Pain. 2: 143-149, 1987.
Coan. R.M., G. Wong, S.L. Ku. Y.C. Chan. L. Wang. F.T Ozer and P.l. Coan. The Acupuncture Treatment of low back pain a randomized controlled study. Am J. Chin. Med. 8: 181-189, 1980.
Edelist, G., A.E. Gross and F. Langer. Treatment of low back pain with acupuncture. Can. Anaesth. Soc. J. 23: 303-306, 1976.
Lee, P.K., T.W. Andersen. J.H. Nodell and S.A. Saga. Treatment of chronic pain with acupuncture. JAMA 232: 1133-1135. 1975.
Leung, P.C. Treatment of low back pain with acupuncture. Am. J Chin Med. 7: 372-378, 1979.
Macdonald, A.J., K.D. Macrae, B.R. Master and A.P. Rubin. Superficial acupuncture in the relief of chronic low back pain. Ann R. Coll. Surg. Engl. 65: 44-46, 1983.
Petrie, J.P. and G.B. Iangley. Acupuncture in the treatment of chronic cervical pain- A pilot Study. Clin. Exp. Rheumatol. 1: 333-335, 1983.
Thomas, M. And T. Lundeberg. Importance of modes of acupuncture in the treatment of chronic nociceptive low back pain. Acta Anesthesiol. Scand. 38: 63-69, 1994.
Thomas, M., S. Arner and T. Lundeberg. Is acupuncture an alternative in idiopathic pain disorder? Acta. Anaesthesiol. Scand. 36: 637-642, 1992.
Vincent, C.A. and P.H. Richardson. The Evaluation of therapeutic acupuncture: Concepts and Methods. Pain, 24: 1-13, 1986