Audioholic Warlord
Hi Guys, I know that references to the Absolute Sound is not very popular in these forums, but I simply could not resist as I saw this ending statement from Robert E. Greene as he was reviewing the $63k Muraudio PX1 Omnidirectional hybrid electrostatic speaker...
Regular readers of mine will know that while I’m often “impressed” by the large super-expensive monster systems that so many audiophiles seem to lust after, I rarely actually like them, and I’ve heard none I would personally give house space to. This is because I find their sonic presentations merely impressive—there’s that irony-laden word again—or, to put it another way, all too typically assaultive rather than beautiful or powerful in the way that live music is beautiful and powerful. In that context, the PX1 is the only speaker system I’ve heard that costs more than my Quad 2805s that I would consider buying if I had the money.
So about these mega-super-systems: There's rave, being impressed... but he would never get the super systems he raves about... I think that's correct interpretation
Well, there are super-expensive speakers that's really really good, like the Status Acoustics 8T, Vandersteen 7, maybe KEF Muon but that's not always the case. Is it not so that many speaker designers goals are to make products that are impressive, rather than provide musical pleasure...
I would rather go with pleasure than impressive...
Regular readers of mine will know that while I’m often “impressed” by the large super-expensive monster systems that so many audiophiles seem to lust after, I rarely actually like them, and I’ve heard none I would personally give house space to. This is because I find their sonic presentations merely impressive—there’s that irony-laden word again—or, to put it another way, all too typically assaultive rather than beautiful or powerful in the way that live music is beautiful and powerful. In that context, the PX1 is the only speaker system I’ve heard that costs more than my Quad 2805s that I would consider buying if I had the money.
So about these mega-super-systems: There's rave, being impressed... but he would never get the super systems he raves about... I think that's correct interpretation
Well, there are super-expensive speakers that's really really good, like the Status Acoustics 8T, Vandersteen 7, maybe KEF Muon but that's not always the case. Is it not so that many speaker designers goals are to make products that are impressive, rather than provide musical pleasure...
I would rather go with pleasure than impressive...