Does anyone here wear headphones when they can't use speakers? If so, what kind?



From what I've read, it's unwise to consider the MDR-V6 even though it is similarly priced to the MDR-7506. If you are considering one of those two headphones, go with the latter.
Biggiesized - I suspect you're thinking of the V600 rather than the V6. I haven't listened to the V600 myself, but have seen many posted cautions to make sure you're getting the V6 and NOT the V600.

Over on the HeadFi forums there have been several threads over the last couple of years re whether there IS any difference between the V6 and the 7506 - other than price (7506=$100, V6=$80) and the color of a couple of plastic trim pieces. Some claim to be able to hear a difference, others say thats rubbish. There doesn't seem to be any physical difference between them, but there is some speculation that Sony hand-picks the drivers for the 7506.

Re the sound of the V6, while many posters love them, some have complained they are too "clinical", maybe a little too bright, and somewhat lacking in bass. Mine don't sound that way to me. The highs certainly don't sound overly bright (although that could be because at my age I'm probably missing a few db of sensitivity in the top octave). As for them sounding clinical, I just think of them as neutral and very detailed - that just happens to be the sound I like. Regarding the bass, they will get WAY down there, but to my ears do so in a very controlled fashion; avaserfi was right when he described the base as "tight." If you like boomy, in-your-face bass, they may not be the cans for you.

For the $400 landonspop mentioned, I'm sure you can find better. But for anybody who likes neutral sound and only has a $100 to spend, they will be hard pressed to find anything more satisfying than either the 7506 or the V6.



Grado and sennheiser would be the brands i recommend. The later has a very broad range so deliguence is wise in make a selection.

Father in law turned me on to a pair of these..

used them in his truck and on his bike, paid like 200. I was really suprised with the sound quality. The thought behind the purchase was to eliminate road noise, but they work well in home, and this is comming from man that uses a hafler 500 and pre and a pair jbl l220/s.(all circa 79) If he buys gear he buys for a lifetime.


Audioholic General
A bit off topic.....but the op hasn't posted in two days........none of the gear in my rig has a plug for headphones. I own a decent set of headphones, but haven't used them since I started in earnest a few years ago. Is there a way to get form any of the analog rca jacks offered on the back of my prepro to a pair of headphones without turing it into a science project?


Audioholic Jedi
A bit off topic.....but the op hasn't posted in two days........none of the gear in my rig has a plug for headphones. I own a decent set of headphones, but haven't used them since I started in earnest a few years ago. Is there a way to get form any of the analog rca jacks offered on the back of my prepro to a pair of headphones without turing it into a science project?
Dear David,
You can select one of these.

Connect it to your record out, then you speakers will not have to play, when you listen to phones.

You can make up a simple L-pad for the speakers outputs, and use a switched quarter inch phone jack, so the speakers are switched out when you plug in the phones. That might fit your definition of a science project though. The first solution is simple, but you have the cost of a headphone amp.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
Another option for a headphone amp is a small mixer board. I use a Behringer UB802 connected to my PC to power my AKG headphones (which need more than the sound card can produce) and it sounds great. I paid less than $50 for it.



I have the sony V6 - they are so good I've had to buy 3 pairs. My oldest son liked mine so much, I gave them to him.He took them to college. I bought another pair and on Xmas break my youngest son like them so much I gave them to him. Needless to say I quickly bought the third pair - no more kids to take this set. They sound very good - great with ipod. Amazon has the best price I've seen. Try 'em you'll like 'em!


The sony 7506 has a tighter more focused sound compared to the v6 I have been using them for over 10 years as reference for live mixes and studio mixes as well. The 7506 does not color the sound and are a sealed around the ear version. I would recommend them highly.....


Audioholic General
Dear David...... That might fit your definition of a science project though. The first solution is simple, but you have the cost of a headphone amp.
Right. Was hoping for a plug adaptor scenario. Not that interested in headphones.........Thanks, TLSGuy. R U Feeling ok these days?


Sony is The Best

I use my Sony ear plugs but when I'm in the studio I used my other pair of Sony big black headphones i called them studio headphones every time someone mention them I suggest Sony product for anything dealing with Media products


Audioholic Intern
Sennheiser HD 280 Pro. I also have a pair of Sony MDR V6 which miracously turned up after my son graduated from college.:)


Audioholic Samurai
The Sony specified cross reference parts for both the MDR-7506 and MDR-V6, when I had access to a parts data base, was identical for every component on both headphones with the exception of the outer metal cans(these have the model names on them) and the cord/plug assembly(the 7506 has a gold plated plug with a black outer casing and the V6 has a nickel plated plug with a nickel plated outer casing).



Audioholic Warlord
I haven't tried out that many types of headphones, however, the only ones that really made me enjoy and listen really to the music are Stax electrostatic headphones, pricey though....

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