Hi all ... Well my dad is thinking of making our new home's basement a home theater place and has asked me to send him a 32 foot or longer HDMI cable ... My requirements are that I need a HDMI cable which is 32 feet (10 meter) or longer, and is HDMI 1.4 certified ..
So I've been looking around and I found this one cable:
tinyurl . com / 2bdpfrm (remove the spaces)
I know what you're thinking .. it says its 28 AWG, but on this page: tinyurl . com / 2cjrq2r (remove the spaces), it says its 24 AWG (first one from the top) ..
Also, I looked at Monoprice and BJC as well .. I know a lot of people recommend Monoprice, but the thing is their 35 feet cables don't list HDMI specific features, only their 'Hi Speed' cables do .. And BJC claims that all their cables are capable of supporting HDMI 1.4 features, but they don't explicitly list them on their website, and also their cable is a bit expensive ..
So this dCables cable is found I found .. It lists all HDMI features and is also relatively cheap ... What do you guys think ? Anybody here have experience with this cable ?