I'm building a dedicated home theater in my basement so I would like to have a nice surround sound. A friend of mine gave me 8 Evid C8.2 speakers, 2 MTX in wall sub and 3 Crown xls 202 amps. I was thinking to use this on my living room where the system is going to be use for music only because I already have a pair of in wall speakers for my home theater. But when I compare mine in wall to the EVID, I decided to use the evids entire system for my Home theater. Now, I know that I have to buy a surround sound preamp instead of a receiver because of the AMPs, but the preamps are more expensive than the receivers. My questions are, should I spend the money for the preamp because the sound system is going to be better? Should I just take away the amps and run my system with a Receiver? Do you guys think that the Evid will sound good in my home theater? Any other tips and advise will take it with appreciation. Thanks in advance