I did a search on Google (Amir probably would want me to use Bing) for Amir and jitter and got nothing about cables. When he discusses S/PDIF and HDMI it's about the interface logic. Interesting that he likes the old Mark Levinson No36S DAC best in the jitter department, because he's seeing similar results to what Stereophile measured on my old No39, which uses the same Ultra Analog DAC chipset. Still, nothing on cables, and Amir is careful not to draw conclusions about audibility. I think you guys are misjudging him because he likes some expensive equipment (but only sometimes).
As for whether or not Amir's recommendations are worth listening to, since he started measuring he's apparently become fixated on the best measurements for the dollars spent. I think there are other factors. For example, he doesn't recommend my Benchmark Media DAC3 because similar DAC performance is available at a lower price. I don't care; I like the ergonomics and never-make-a-thump or other bad sounds of the Benchmark products. The Oppo I tried, which measured better, thumped. Just like with Stereophile, read the measurements and take the opinions with a grain of salt.
(As an aside, Amir seems to be learning about how difficult it is to make repeatable accurate measurements near the limits of the measuring equipment. Getting them right is hard work, and often takes experience and super-special bench set-up. High performance networking is often like that... why aren't we getting line rate on that 100GbE throughput test? Hmmm...)