I was more than a bit disappointed in the story itself, thinking this would be a really good flick with some kind of meaningful storyline and captivating character development.
The main human character in the movie had gotten on my every last nerve by the time the end credits rolled, and I was actually happy to see him fully morph into an alien so I wouldn't ever have to hear his whiny, nasally gibberish any longer.
Wait a minute!!! You didn't get the part about him morphing from a whiny, self-serving cretin into someone who wanted to do the right thing?
The guy starts out the movie as one of those nameless Fox News-watching corporate toadies willing to exploit the letter of the law rather than the spirit of it all in the name of self-interest, and, by the end of the film, he gets it.
You didn't see him start to morph first from a guy with no real natural power (despite his title, the guys doing the real work with the prawns obviously have nothing but contempt for him). The power he believed he had he believed was rightfully his because of his job title. Then, as the black juice starts to take over, he's consumed with panic as he realized he was turning into a prawn (and, because of his own earlier actions, he realized just how screwed he would be - especially if the prawns realized who he was). Finally, he starts to
care for something other than his own self?
Huh. You and I must've watched different movies.
Frankly, the guy was much creepier as a human than he was as a prawn, and I think that's the thing.