I have an Parasound a 21 and an outlaw model 5000 plugged into a emotiva CMX-2 for DC isolation Because the outlaw guy said and I was getting DC somehow in to my line which caused the torrodial transformers to hum. Then I got that plugged into a monster power center HTS 3500 which is a really old power center. But now I read online that people are saying these power conditioners are not good for amplifiers because they could limit the current. I get the power conditioner part but I'm using that mainly for the surge protection portion for the amplifiers. I do not want to disconnect the amplifiers from that just in case there is a surge, what is a man supposed to do, enjoy high quality but deal with the risk of a surge damaging your equipment, or plug it into the power conditioner/surge protector and lose all the "dynamics" that everybody says you lose when plugging it into a power conditioner