Audioholic Ninja
Hstar said:
Can you explain to me please how the video outs work with the 887? The spec sheet shows multiple video outs but none "zone 2" dedicated. The 987,which i'm thinking of trading up to Has a dedicated "zone 2" monitor out. Is the dedicated out mainly for viewing from different sources? Or can I run a line from a second video out to the music room from the 887 to a monitor? Video quality is not a real issue as long as it viewable(mostly for something like a superbowl party/big race party etc.) just to spread out the people. In that aspect is it worth the extra 400.00.
Your take on the video setup is correct.:cool: Ex. component video to HT, composite/S-video video to MR. All analog video is convertible up and down. See pg. 15 in manual.

It seems like you have a better understanding now, so you’ll have to decide if it’s worth the extra $400.:D :p

Hstar said:
Where do I place the A500? W/ main unit (long wiring to speakers thru the ceiling to the speakers), or in the music room(wiring thru the ceiling to the amp, short wiring to the speakers)? I'm thinking it may make a difference.
Either way will work fine. Although, running the analog audio interconnect to the MR will allow you to add the EQ and tweak in the room it’s needed. It may also be better for volume control as you stated.

Glad we could help.
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Too Cool

You guys rock big time. I got a little confused on the up/down converting but I think I 'm getting there. AVRat you were right on with the amp. (179.00W/shipping). The way you explained things the only things I would gain by the upgrade is 10watts and the ability to veiw different programs in each zone. (Worthless, I live by myself). You fixed that for half the cost. (I feel I owe you). Got a new set of speakers coming for the misic room that will be more than capable. I also didn't realize that I can use the A500 as a PA and along with the guitar amps. How could I go wrong? Everything should be here by the middle of next week. So much for the annual new years eve jam session. I may need some help getting it all wired and dialed. I'll keep you posted on how things go. Again I can't thank you enough. Billy

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