As jhammer mentioned, some dts tracks are not all they are supposed to be. Try going to dvd menu and selecting the dolby digital 5.1 soundtrack and see if there is a difference. I agree...make sure all channels are set level. This will have to be done with a spl meter and test tone from recv'r or test/setup disc. Not familiar w/ your 2802 but if it has a test tone your in business quickly with a spl meter. Set all channels to flat/0. Run test tone and turn volume up on recv't until it reads about 75-80 db consistently on spl meter at approximate listening position facing the front. The tone will switch from spkr to spkr and you should adjust all channels/spkrs via the channel gain on recv'r so that the db output is same or within 1db. You may have to add gain or decrease gain to level things out. Then all will be equal. If you continue to have this problem then something else is wrong. Are spkr's same/close quality? Is center too high or too low relative to mains? Do you accidentally have night mode or cinema compression setting on? This will tone down dialogue for late listening say for instance you don't want to disturb others, wake up grandma, etc. These things must be considered. Good luck.